Add a panel header anywhere in your content. The Panel header shortcode accepts the following attributes:
(panelHeader tip=”View a complete list of bootstrap configurations” link=”#” icon=”fa fa-cogs”)This is a panel header(/panelHeader)
Add a single post anywhere in your content or widget. The Single Post shortcode accepts the following attributes:
(singlePost id=”93″ /)
Add an interactive image anywhere in your content or widget. The Image Panel shortcode accepts the following attributes:
(imagePanel title=”Donate For Children” tip=”Make a donation today!” link=”/hope/donations” icon=”fa fa-heart” image=””)(/imagePanel)
Add a percentage bar anywhere in your content. The Percentage Bar shortcode accepts the following attributes:
(progressBar percentage=”50%” /)
(progressBar percentage=”70%” /)
(progressBar percentage=”25%” /)
(columnContainer fullscreen=”on” bgcolor=”” bgimage=””)(/columnContainer)
Full Width Container
Add stunning full screen column containers to your website.
(googleMap id=”anotherMap” zoom=”13″ latitude=”43.656885″ longitude=”-79.383904″ message=”We are here” responsive=”1″ width=”300″ height=”450″)